9970 US Hwy 98 W - Miramar Beach, FL
180 Lynn Drive - Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Doggie Daycare is available
Monday through Saturday

You can enjoy the sun
while your dog has fun!

Get Driving Directions

Our goal is to provide an enjoyable, fun, and safe experience for your dog. Both of our dog daycare locations offer supervision by a team of trained attendants. Our daycare staff is committed to providing a fun and healthy atmosphere for your pup to enjoy play and exercise—with plenty of time for cooldowns and rest! Fresh water is always available.

Doggie Daycare

Our daycare spaces are designed with your dog’s safety in mind. From the moment your dog enters one of our facilities, they are in a supervised environment. Staff members facilitate good socialization and energetic playtime, while enforcing good manners. We have both small dog and larger dog areas.

Safety and Fun!

Our Requirements

  • Reservations Required

  • Must be fully vaccinated (Bordetella, Distemper/Parvo, Rabies) with veterinary records

  • Vaccine Records can be uploaded to your portal account - or emailed: shots@whatsupdogfl.com

  • Must be vaccinated a full 3-days before coming in for doggie daycare

  • Must be at least 6-months old

  • Must get along with other dogs and people

  • No excessive humping

  • Come in with a collar and leash to facility

  • Intact dogs are welcomed, but not if in heat cycle or 2-weeks following

If your dog gets along with other dogs and people it is likely it will fit in. Some need a little more patience with introductions due to some mild anxiety from being left in a new place with a group of strange dogs and people. We understand this and work with each dog individually to help them adapt to the energy of the play groups!

Will my dog fit in?

Join the Pack!

  • Any time period over 4-hours is considered a full-day.

    Monday - Friday


  • Any period of time up to 4-hours is considered a half day.


  • Multi-Use card for 10-visits. Good for all of your registered, eligible dogs.
    Expires 6-weeks after first use.


  • Multi-Use card for 20-visits. Good for all of your registered, eligible dogs.

    Expires 3-months after first use.


  • Any time period on Saturday from 9am-5pm



As much as you count on us to be here when you need us, we count on your commitment to show up. When you make a reservation, you will be charged for your first full day of your reservation for DAYCARE because we hold the space just for your dog. If you cancel your reservation, you will be charged for your entire stay or deducted a Club Card credit.