Pay it Forward
There is no single solution to the problems that our American military members face as a result of Combat Trauma. We know a properly trained Service Dog can be a great addition to a comprehensive approach to healing by mitigating stressful triggers in public settings. Physical ailments are just one part of the problems they are plagued with after separating from the military. However, the emotional, invisible wounds are often the most crippling. Together, we can make a difference. It is time to Pay it Forward for all they have done!
Understanding the “need” is only half the battle. Engaging and helping is critical. As a self-funded effort - we must have help with the MISSION.
Together, we are making a difference! While it used to be that 22 Veterans were estimated to commit suicide each day, that number has dropped according to Veterans Affairs reporting in 2020. There are still 17-20 Veterans who lose hope and take their life as a result of combat injuries, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of being all alone.
We are grateful that Hooters in Destin, FL stepped up to help. This photo was taken the day they offered to purchase a much-needed mobility harness for PLF-K9 Truman and his Veteran, Major Greg Weirzbicki, USAF (Retired). It was a joyous moment to learn he would be gaining additional support for his impairment. The harness had a cost of nearly $1000. He since been outfitted and is using his harness for better stability and more freedom to do everyday things!
Our giving platform provides you with the opportunity to join the mission for as little as $25.00. Every gift is used to fund the mission, and every gift is appreciated. See other sponsorship levels below - and PAY IT FORWARD!
Sponsorship Levels
This helps us with everyday expenses for feeding and veterinary care while the dog is in our care. Proper care is essential for these dogs that go to our heroes. They must have Flea & Tick prevention, Heartworm prevention, and high-quality food supplies. This gift provides 6-months of proper care.
We will mention you on our social media platforms and recognize your support with a thank-you letter from a Veteran and our Team.
This helps us with procurement of well-bred dogs to enter our program. We believe in bringing in health-tested, genetically proper dogs to train for our heroes at a cost of $1500-4500 for each dog we purchase. Our failure rate is significantly less with this approach, maximizing our efforts with less wash-outs.
We will mention you on our social media platforms and recognize your support with a thank-you letter from a Veteran and our Team.
Basic Training
This helps with the rigorous training journey that these highly trained dogs go through to have exceptional obedience and manners. We train each dog for 6-12 months to perfect their everyday skills. This covers 2-months of high level of training at our facility. Our public rate for training is 40% higher. We are on this mission with you.
We will mention you on our social media platforms and recognize your support with a thank-you letter from a Veteran and our Team.
Tech School
Public Access and specific Task Training is the most critical part of the partnership. Training specific task work for mobility assistance, PTSD trigger mitigation is a lengthy process. Learning to do tasks in public settings requires intense training for months. Oftentimes, special equipment is required to mitigate physical limitations and your gift allows for the purchase of these implements for the Veteran.
We will mention you on our social media platforms and recognize your support with a thank-you letter from a Veteran and our Team.
In addition to the above recognition, we will add your logo to our website with a link to your platform of choice (website/social media).
Special Forces
This will nearly cover all expenses for training and outfitting a dog and Veteran to begin living life once again. From procurement to final training, outfitting, training the handler, we spend an average of $18,000 for each team. Your gift greatly reduces our cost and allows us to confidently bring another dog into program and bring another Veteran hope and freedom.
We will mention you on our social media platforms and recognize your support with a thank-you letter from a Veteran and our Team.
In addition to the above recognition, we will add your logo to our website with a link to your platform of choice (website/social media). We will also add your logo to our t-shirt, prominently displayed as a Special Forces Contributor. Your name/logo will be added to our current marketing materials, as well.
Your gift will completely cover the cost of a dog and handler team training, care, equipment. We will also be able to procure the next dog and all training gear for another Veteran with your generous gift - so it doesn’t end with just one team.
We will mention you on our social media platforms and recognize your support with a thank-you letter from a Veteran and our Team.
In addition to the above recognition, we will add your logo to our website with a link to your platform of choice (website/social media). We will also add your logo to our t-shirt, prominently displayed as a Commander Level Contributor. Your name/logo will be added to our current marketing materials, as well.
As a Commander Level sponsor, you will get to name two dogs for the program. We obviously have some guidelines, but what an honor to become a “naming sponsor”!
✺ Frequently Asked Questions ✺
PLF pairs Combat Wounded Veterans and properly trained Service Dogs, with successful placements across the United States. PLF is the organizational structure that provides credibility through very high Service Dog Standards. It is by upholding these high standards that PLF has found success in placement of so many dogs with Veterans.
PLF specializes in helping Combat Wounded Veterans with high levels of PTSD and Mobility Impairment mitigate everyday tasks and triggers providing them the ability to live more normal, productive lives. In short, they give these heroes back some of the freedom they have lost as a result of defending ours!
PLF also teaches corporate entities ADA Law to organizations who wish to learn more about accommodating real Service Dogs and eliminating “fake” service dogs, by understanding their rights as a business.
What’s Up Dog? has been training Service Dogs for various organizations for almost 12-years. We provide these training services at heavily discounted rates when compared to the rates we publish for the general public. Steve Kotowske is the owner of WUD and the Director of Pawsitive Love Foundation. Steve uses his training team to provide low-cost services, and his business to fund the Foundation. He is committed to the mission!
What’s Up Dog? is the training arm, teaching arm, while PLF focuses on ADA Law, setting high standards of training, and connecting Veterans with a Service Dog.
The private market cost for a trained Service Dog ranges from $15k to $50k, currently. Having a breeding program, pulling from shelters, and volunteer staff can keep these costs on the lower end.
We estimate that a well-bred, properly trained Service Dog can cost us as little as $16,000 up to $20,000 with the cost of procurement, care, training, and equipment. This is why we need your support.
We use only “bred for purpose” dogs, professional dog trainers, and we have very few volunteers working with our dogs in order to maintain standards of care and training that we can control.
We have used shelter and rescue pulls in the past. We know other organizations prefer this method. However, it has been our experience over the last 12-years that shelter dogs and rescue dogs have a higher failure rate, over time. It is easier to justify spending to our donors when we have a higher success rate with what we call “bred for purpose” dogs. These are dogs with the genetics for work, loyalty, and desire to please. They also very rarely come to us with environmental issues to overcome. This provides a higher level of reliability and greater longevity of service, making it less likely to cause a Veteran more stress.
In this giving platform, no. This is simply a method to “pay it forward” with no tax benefit. We can discuss a tax-benefit option if you need one in order to consider giving. You can reach out to PLF directly at info@PLFservicedogs.com
Yes, you can. We will have a monthly giving option. When you click on the Pay it Forward button, you will be directed to several levels of giving with a recurring option coming soon.