Book a seminar with acclaimed dog trainer Steve Kotowske in your area!
Seminars for both Trainers and Dog Owners.
Train the Trainer
Understanding how to get MORE out of the dogs you train is the best way to get MORE out of your business. Steve has trained countless trainers in a method of communication that transcends the dog-human relationship to help them grow their business. In an increasingly volatile debate over which methods are safe, humane and effective, trainers are left sorting out the minutia while being distracted from training dogs. Learn how to navigate the differences in training methods and become the trainer you’ve always wanted to become. Learn why there are different methods to employ, and learn why they are important. This 2-day intensive training will bring a new understanding of the real science, psychology, and common sense behind dog training. This is NOT a single methods course, but rather a practical course on using different methods for different dogs - and how to do so effectively.
Service Dog Course
There are many Service Dog “trainers” in the dog training community, but few with the experience to teach on the duties of a Service Dog and the responsibilities of the handler. As the Executive Director of Pawsitive Love Foundation and the Training Advisor for multiple Service Dog programs, Steve has successfully placed dogs throughout the United States and Canada. Understanding how a SD should perform and how to best use the dog is equally as important as the training of tasks. Knowing the intricacies of what it means to have a real SD is vital for the handler, trainer. Having knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act is for any organization and SD handler. Training staff for corporate entities is a major step in advancing the rights of everyone, including the staff and general public. Knowing your rights to refuse service animals is as important as accepting them. We offer a 1-Day Corporate Training on ADA Law / 3-Day Trainer Course for advanced taskwork training.
Train with Steve
This 3-Day (1 night, 1 days) Course is designed to